JOC 2022 – 1st Announcement
The Jordanian Orthodontic Society is proud to make the 1st announcement for The 12th Jordanian Orthodontic Congress (JOC 2022), now planned to be between September 20-23rd 2022, in Amman, Jordan, under the theme: ORTHODONTICS.. IN A CHANGING WORLD.
The Congress will include a host of the best invited and selected speakers from around the globe, sharing their valuable and practical knowledge about how cutting-edge Orthodontics will change our practice beyond the pandemic, in both live and virtual scientific sessions, as well as pre- and post-congress Hands-On courses.
The call for scientific abstracts and the final scientific program will be announced at later dates.
Save the date and stay tuned for further developments about the congress on our Website :
and our social media channels :
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Instagram: @jororthsoc